Things your personal trainer might say that also apply to business
With Flow
Things your personal trainer might say that also apply to business
July 3, 2023
In this episode, we’re talking about how the principles of exercise and fitness can also be applied to business.
In this episode, we’re talking about how the principles of exercise and fitness can also be applied to business.

Key points in this episode:
  1. You don’t get fit from one workout. Yon’t get business success from one event - it takes time and consistency to build up your business.
  2. Exercise is where you break down muscle. Rest is where it builds back stronger and fitter. Allowing time for rest will help you to make the gains you need and take your business to the next level.
  3. In follicular and ovulation phases, you can use the higher energy to focus on growth and getting things done. In luteal and menstrual phases, take your foot off the gas and focus on sustaining what you’ve already built.
  4. In follicular and ovulation you’re in an anabolic state, you can build muscle. In luteal you’re in a catabolic state, so the focus shifts to sustaining what you’ve built.
  5. To improve your fitness and grow your business, you’ll need to stretch outside of your comfort zone.

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